Counselling Code

Disciplinary Committee

Disciplinary Committee

The college is having its women cell functioning in formal sense. The cell has been established in order to protect the women staff and students associated with the college from any sorts of injustice or sexual harassment of any nature directly and indirectly.


S No Name Designation Department Signature Photo
1 Dr. S. Sreeja Mole Professor & HOD ECE Convener cjits, disciplinary committee memeber
2 Mr. A Poorna Chandra Reddy Associate Professor, HOD CSE Member cjits, disciplinary committee memeber
3 Mrs. G. Saritha Reddy Sr. Assistant Professor,HOD EEE Member cjits, disciplinary committee memeber
4 Mr.P. Karunakar Sr. Assistant Professor,HOD ME Member cjits, disciplinary committee memeber
5 Mr. T. Naresh Assistant Professor Civil Member cjits, disciplinary committee memeber


• To be regular and punctual to the classes and to be in the class at least 5 minutes before the commencement of the period. Every day’s cumulative attendance of the student should be sent to the parent’s mobile as SMS.

• To attend all counseling sessions convened by the mentors and should feel free to explain their academic/ personal/ career difficulties and seek solutions

• To note that any violence in the campus, destruction of college property, manhandling of teachers or administrative staff or any other person in the college campus or the authorities of the college and misbehavior with girl students be viewed seriously. Erring persons will be liable for disciplinary action such as expulsion or rustication for specific period.

• To note that ragging in any form, within or outside any educational institution is strictly prohibited (refer Prohibition of Ragging in Educational Institutions Act 26 of 1997). Any student convicted of the offence of ragging will be punished with imprisonment as laid down in the said Act.

• To note that in all discipline matters the decision taken by the Principal is final and will be binding on all the students involved.

• To conduct meeting whenever required and discuss relevant issues, intimating the Director.