Counselling Code

Grievance Redressal

Grievance Redressal

Grievance Redressal Committee at CJIT has been constituted as per the AICTE notification F. No. AICTE/PG/2012/20/SRO/06/1143, dated 25-07-2012, with the objective of resolving the grievances of students, parents and others. The committee comprises of following members:


• Rev. Fr. T Augustine Reddy, Director


• Dr. Chanrashekhar Reddy S , Principal


• Dr. Sreeja Mole SS, Associate Professor, ECE Head of the Department


• Mr. KMV Ramana , Associate Professor, H & S

• Mr. P Karunakar, Sr. Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

• Mrs. G Saritha Reddy , Sr. Assistant Professor, Electrical & Electronics Engineering

• to make them aware of their rights,

• to help them in knowing the importance of good health and nutrition and facilities available for them,

• to help them in developing decision making abilities and be self-dependent,

• to help them in raising their voice against all kinds of discrimination,

• to help them in changing their mind setup,

• to assist them in overall development of their personality, and

• to help them (community women) in knowing about reproductive health care and child care.


The Grievance Redressal of the college is generally constituted by selecting at least Three women staff. The Principal of the college as the chairperson of the cell and one women staff member is convenor of the cell. The cell is reconstituted every year if situation arises so. The process of reconstruction of the cell lies in the hands of Principal. in consultation staff members.

The name of the teachers in the charge of the cell:

• Dr (Mrs) SreejaMole . (Convener) Mobile No: 9497702142

• Mrs K SanthoshaKumari Mobile No: 9963060048

• Mrs B Swapna Mobile No: 9866211613