Counselling Code

About Director

Director's Message

Rev.Fr.D.Vijaya Paul Reddy

M.A., MEd.


CJITS is poised to become an acclaimed Centre of Excellence in Academics and Research and be listed among the top colleges.

CJITS has taken the lead in preparing its students to succeed in a highly competitive business and professional environment. And we consider it our sacred duty of providing an academic ambience in which innovative pedagogic involvement of global significance can be rendered rewarding, fruitful , and inspiring not only for Telangana students but also for students from other states.

Education can only partly be considered about courses and studies. It becomes complete only with the holistic development of the individual. Quite simply put, the purpose of education, is to build a better tomorrow, for yourself, your family, your society, your city , your nation, and for the whole world. This never-ending adventure is in fact the greatest journey of humankind. And a most significant part of it happens in a university campus. In many cases, it defines for the rest of your life.

That is why at CJITS it is more than education, it is what I like to call Educare, to nurture and groom individuals who can thrive in the competitive knowledge economy of the day while being grounded with a strong sense of ethics and values such as integrity and social responsibility.

You are the future of the nation and the world. From my point of view, it fills me with hope and excitement.

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